Four Ways to Get Unstuck in Your Career Transition
by Markell R. Morris, Futures in Motion, Inc.
Have you ever been paralyzed by over thinking how a career decision will turn out?
I have and know that I’m not alone.
I wrote about this topic because 90% of my clients come to me when they are feeling stuck. They’ve read career advice, tried updating their resume, yet they haven’t made any progress toward a new job or more satisfying career. They tell me they don’t want to waste any more time.
What’s the problem?
Often, they aren’t clear about where they want to go next in their career or how to get there, and they’re paralyzed thinking about all the possibilities.
They’re feeling stuck and frustrated. They need help to get unstuck and generate possibilities.
So, I started using a technique that has really helped my clients overcome “analysis paralysis” and get unstuck.
It’s so simple, yet too often overlooked.
I help them create a career vision.
Simple as that!
None of us can be certain about the specifics of how our lives and careers will turn out. It’s a waste of time to spend energy trying to “figure it out” without context. A career vision provides context for exploring and evaluating possibilities.
Everything changes when you start focusing on your career vision.
You get energized. You get creative. You get bold. You start noticing opportunities. Most importantly, you start taking action.
Clarity comes through action.
Here are 4 simple actions you can take to start creating your career vision:
#1- Explore your environment
What are you happy doing? When are you happiest? Who and what kind of people make you happy? Record your observations in a journal.
#2- Get creative
Create a vision board (do a keyword search in Google images or Pinterest, save the images that resonate with you, paste them into a Word document and arrange them into a collage), keep a journal of song lyrics, quotes, words and phrases. Notice and record common themes.
#3- Try something new
Step out of your comfort zone- take a class you've always thought about taking, take a short trip, read a book, see a movie.
#4- Get help
That’s where I come in. I help frustrated job seekers find career direction by guiding them through time-tested strategies that work. I’ve been through my own career transitions and know how frustrating and overwhelming it can be. So, I put all the strategies and techniques I’ve used into resources, so that others can avoid the pitfalls that will frustrate and overwhelm them to the point that they give up on pursuing their career goals. You can check out the resources by clicking here- FREE CAREER RESOURCES
If you’re feeling stuck and want to get unstuck, try one of the actions above.
A year from now, you'll be glad you started today.
Ready to take control of your career and save yourself the frustration of figuring it out on your own? Book a Career Strategy Consultation with me to pinpoint ways you can attract better job opportunities.

Markell R. Morris is an international speaker, career counselor and job search coach based in Long Beach, CA. Her mission is to help frustrated career changers get excited about their life and career after loss and personal challenges. She has created career programs and resources that help her clients gain a sense of direction and hope, so they can go after their goals with confidence. Download her free ebook, Create a Career You Love, for career advice to discover your meaningful career path.
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