Coffee Cart Dreams: From Overwhelm to Action
by Markell R. Morris, Futures in Motion, Inc.
Is your dream so big, you don't know how to go after it?
Often our goals and aspirations seem too big to realize. There are so many steps, a lot of moving pieces, and it seems like it will take so long, maybe a lifetime to achieve. Our big dreams can cause us to doubt that we have what it takes and stops us before we even start.
Like many of my clients, Emily*, is overwhelmed by making a career change and has doubts about her future. She's facing a pending lay off and has decided to explore what she really wants to do moving forward. As we were discussing her career interests, she said "You know, I always really wanted to own a coffee cart business." She went on to to tell me all about this dream she's thought about for years, and the significance of the business to her. It would be a place people could go and relax, enjoy the atmosphere and socialize. Her face lit up as she was talking about this dream.
Like many of my clients, Emily*, is overwhelmed by making a career change and has doubts about her future. She's facing a pending lay off and has decided to explore what she really wants to do moving forward. As we were discussing her career interests, she said "You know, I always really wanted to own a coffee cart business." She went on to to tell me all about this dream she's thought about for years, and the significance of the business to her. It would be a place people could go and relax, enjoy the atmosphere and socialize. Her face lit up as she was talking about this dream.
Then came the yeah, buts...
"But, I don't know where to start."
"But, I don't know how to run a business."
"But, now isn’t the right time."
"But, I don't have the knowledge or skills to pull it off."
"But, I don't know anything about this type of business."
Have you ever let your doubts talk you out of a dream? A dream that no matter how hard you try to push it away, keeps coming back.
I want to encourage you today to go after your dreams.
"But, I don't know where to start."
"But, I don't know how to run a business."
"But, now isn’t the right time."
"But, I don't have the knowledge or skills to pull it off."
"But, I don't know anything about this type of business."
Have you ever let your doubts talk you out of a dream? A dream that no matter how hard you try to push it away, keeps coming back.
I want to encourage you today to go after your dreams.
You don't have to jump from here to there in one giant leap.
Just take one small step, then take the next step.
Once Emily declared her dream, I worked with her to brainstorm all the ways she’s already equipped to make it happen by combining customer service and sales experience as a foundation.
She got excited!
She started seeing possibilities!
Then, I had her brainstorm the what steps she needed to take to realize her dream. From there, she picked one to start with.
Before our session ended, she set a goal: "To learn how to start a business in my city."
I happen to be familiar with the city and its resources for small businesses and gave her a resource to get started. Her first step will be to review their business development resources and sign up for a workshop. She's taking the first step.
She got excited!
She started seeing possibilities!
Then, I had her brainstorm the what steps she needed to take to realize her dream. From there, she picked one to start with.
Before our session ended, she set a goal: "To learn how to start a business in my city."
I happen to be familiar with the city and its resources for small businesses and gave her a resource to get started. Her first step will be to review their business development resources and sign up for a workshop. She's taking the first step.
She went from overwhelm to action! She felt empowered and encouraged to go after her dream.
In the course of an hour she went from "I have no idea what I want to do next" to "I want to start my coffee cart business, and I know the first step to take to get there. "
You, too, can go from overwhelm to action.
You, too, can go from overwhelm to action.
Imagine where your life would be in one year if you took one small step today.
What first step will you take today to go after your dreams?
* Pseudonym used for confidentiality purposes
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Markell R. Morris is an international speaker, career counselor and job search coach based in Long Beach, CA. Her mission is to help frustrated career changers get excited about their life and career after loss and personal challenges. She has created career programs and resources that help her clients gain a sense of direction and hope, so they can go after their goals with confidence. Download her free ebook, Create a Career You Love, for career advice to discover your meaningful career path.
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2023. Futures in Motion, Inc.